

Yesterday,1/31, we had the Snow Day. It means that school cancel for snow. This time was maybe third one. Usually, school calls each house to tell school cancelling, so everytime me & Marco become so happy. But, this time school told us that school would start at 10;00. So we couldn't be happy, because we expected the canceling of school. However, when we start preparing for school, ring rang and it told us school canceled. me & Marco, also our host family were very glad that hear about that. And off course we came back to own bed and slept again.

Me, Marco and Isaac made the igloo which is called かまくら in japan. But there is not enough snow, so our igloo is so small. Maybe for only one person. But we enjoyed making it and we did good work. Tomorrow will be max negative 7 degree. It could freeze it and make good igloo.

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